7 simple strategies to encourage members to read your “Community Newsletters"
7 simple strategies to encourage members to read your “Community Newsletters"
Newsletters are a crucial tool for building and engaging with your online group. They can help you keep your members up-to-date with the latest news, events, and content.
As a community manager you have an important tool in your arsenal that allows you to contact all your members in one go on Knowledge Hub (khub.net) called “Messages”
But sending these “Messages” can be a bit of a challenging task. You want your messages to be opened, read, and acted upon. However, crafting effective messages that your members will actually read and engage with may seem impossible.
In this blog post, we will discuss proven strategies on how to get your members to open your newsletters via the “Messages”.
1. Grab their attention
The subject line is the most important part of your email. It’s usually the difference between opening it and sending it straight to the deleted item. To write attention-grabbing subject lines, use curiosity to grab the member’s attention. Use your community's language (we don’t just mean language) - the words and expressions that are used in the subject area and make sure the subject line is relevant to the content of your email.
2. Be consistent
Consistency is key to your messages. Consistency applies not only to how often you write but also to the style and language you use in your messages. Choose how often you’re going to message your members and stick to it. Be consistent with your tone/voice, and use a consistent layout for your emails.
3. Provide value
Always provide value to your members. Your message should be informative and helpful. Share tips, tricks, and insights that your members will find useful.
4. Tell stories
One of the best ways to relate to your members is to tell them a story. Share personal stories of the work you are conducting or stories from your members and what lessons your members can learn from them.
5. Thank your members
Every member wants to feel part of the community. Show your gratitude by thanking your members regularly when they participate in the community. Use a friendly and conversational tone in your content to make your members feel more confident in participating again.
6. Show the difference the community is making
Showing examples of the difference your community is making to the members will encourage other members to return and engage in your community. Share your community’s wins, share the content that makes you unique or is unavailable anywhere else with your members. Let them know how the community has helped members overcome key challenges or struggles.
7. Engage your membership
Members always want their opinions to be heard. Give your members a chance to do just that. As part of your message, ask them to respond to a question or ask them to post a question on a topic. You can also ask them to take part in a poll. Let them express their opinions,
By using these strategies, you can start writing engaging messages that your members will look forward to opening and increasing engagement in your community.
Don’t miss out on being a member of groups that are relevant to you. Register on Knowledge Hub https://khub.net/sign-up to find groups of interest. Can’t find the relevant group? Why not set up a group that works for you and your colleagues.