
The fox is in the hen house and other cryptic messages.

FYEO (For Your Eyes Only) 

The door is open but they insist on climbing through the window 
The gardener-my garden is full of weeds the herbicide isn’t working. I need someone to pull them up by their roots. 
We have a mole in the garden we need an exterminator 
The magician was not able to pull a rabbit out of the hat this time.
You don’t need a weather man to know which way the wind is blowing.
Alice and the Red Queen are on the move.
The House of cards 
Follow the white rabbit
Cryptic messages are used as a code, a way of saying something that only those in the know would understand. Managers might use them to say something critical, cynical or disloyal to like minded colleagues, that should they be taken to task about at a later date could argue an innocent interpretation. 
“The prodigal son returns”  , might be taken as a pleasant greeting but as a cryptic message it is a bitting comment on an extravagant individual who returns home destitute. 

They have another use. Giving an email or internal report a cryptic title to spark the reluctant readers curiosity. 
Blair McPherson former director author and blogger 

Mwy o Gofrestriadau Blog

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