
HSCIC consultation on data requirements for the Safeguarding Adults Return and Adult Social Care User and Carer Surveys in response to the Care Act

The Health and Social Care Information Centre are consulting on the data requirements for the Safeguarding Adults Return and Adult Social Care User and Carer Surveys in response to the Care Act. The survey is open until the 4th February 2015. 

This consultation is about the changes to the national data requirements for the Safeguarding Adults Return and the Adult Social Care User and Carer Surveys arising from the introduction of the Care Act. It is the first in a series of consultations about changes to national data collections arising from the introduction of the Care Act.


Why HSCIC are having this consultation

Councils are currently in the process of making changes to practices and procedures to make sure they are Care Act compliant from April 2015. The HSCIC data collections need to be relevant and useful and if social care practice is changing we need to make sure that our data returns reflect that. A number of consultations about the changes to these national data requirements arising from the introduction of the Care Act are planned. This is the first of these consultations and includes questions about the Safeguarding Adults Return and the Adult Social Care User and Carer Surveys. A future consultation regarding the proposed new collection relating to Deferred Payment Agreements as well as questions regarding the care cap and possible changes to the Short and Long Term (SALT) return is planned and should be launched in December 2014.

This consultation is open to anyone, whether as an individual or representing an organisation. It contains questions about both the Safeguarding Adults Return and the Adult Social Care User and Carer Surveys, however you can chose to answer either section or both sections. The preferred method for responding to this consultation is via the online questionnaire. However responses to or comments on this consultation may also be made by email to or by post to

The Social Care Team
The Health and Social Care Information Centre
1 Trevelyan Square
Boar Lane
LS1 6AE 

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