
Management Cliches

Management cliches that are overused and betray a lack of original thought


Treat people like you would like to be treated

Yes managers should be more compassionate 

Success is 5% inspiration 95% perspiration

If the message is success is mostly about effort so stop waiting for a brilliant idea to come along I agree. 

Better to ask for forgiveness than permission

This has been my management philosophy and I have only been sacked once! 

Managers don’t like surprises -forewarned is forearmed.

Yes as an experienced manager I want to know about problems early before it’s a crisis and before my boss asks me what’s going on. 

Less helpful

Is this the best you can do.

This is just sarcasm 

It’s not rocket science


Is the manager saying you’re making a straightforward task unnecessarily difficult or are they saying we can do this it’s not that difficult?

If you can’t measure it , you can’t control it.


This comes out of  performance management, a more scientific approach involving league tables and targets, but as they say weighing a pig doesn’t make it fatter! 

Manage expectations


This could be about the need to be realistic or it could be management speak for letting employees know they are not going to get what they are asking for. 

Don’t reinvent the wheel


Let’s not wast time trying to find a solution to a problem we have already solved. Stating the obvious unless of course it’s a case of management refusing to acknowledge the problem has not been solved or is considered not worthy of further effort. 


Well intended


When was the last time you did something for the first time.

This is a new one on me. I think it is to encourage self development or it could be a vailed criticism . 


Blair McPherson former Director author and blogger 


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