
Championing health in your community - training for elected members

The Local Government Association (LGA) has joined forces with the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) to deliver training that enables elected members to champion health improvement in their communities. The transition of public health into local government has been one of the most significant changes for local councils in recent years, which has in turn created an opportunity for them to make a stronger impact on improving the health of their local communities. To assist in the delivery of key health messaging, the LGA and the RSPH will be running a series of free one day training across the UK, designed to provide elected members with the skills and tools to understand health improvement, local and national policy, future challenges and opportunities within their region.

The training will be held on the following dates with more to follow in the New Year:

  • 14 October: Warwick University
  • 28 October: London
  • 11 November: Leeds
  • 12 November: Taunton
  • 3 December: West Sussex
  • 16 December: Gateshead, Newcastle
  • 20 January 2016: East Midlands
  • 23 February 2016: Cambridge

If you're an elected member looking to develop your knowledge and understanding of national and local community health and wellbeing policies and priorities email us at to book your place.

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