
Conversations with young children

First contact
I met Rosie An' Dani ,three names two bodies , on a hot sunny afternoon by the pool, in a walled garden, down a rough track, in a wooded valley know locally for the abandoned ghost village whose roofless stone houses littered one of the steep sides of the valley. This was in the pine forests of rural Turkey. They said , "We are from planet Earth" . Which immediately made me suspect they were aliens. They saw my wife in the pool and shouted,"that looks fun" , they said it again until she acknowledged them. They explained with out being asked that they couldn't come in because , " we aren't  really here" I asked if they were really on an other planet that I might know like Jupiter or Mars. They just smiled as if they didn't understand the question or thought I wouldn't understand the answer. And then the small male said " Planet Earth, Wales". Well they didn't have welsh accents. They spoke English so clearly and precisely it was unnatural to my ear as if they had leant it from BBC radio news broad casts of the 50's, which come to think of it would be how aliens listening to radio waves emitting from planet earth would learn English. Cleaver of them to initiate first contact in English when we were in Turkey! 

They were preoccupied building something complicated which required a lot of team work and shouted instructions. They volunteered that it was some kind of multi purpose shelter that could also transport them through time and space, presumably voice activated hence the shouted instructions. To achieve their desired out come they were manipulating locally sourced material that to my primitive eye looked like a large pile of different sized Turkish cushions! 

I returned to my sun lounger and the voices gradually faded. I looked over a little later and they were gone but the cushions had all been returned to their original place. 
As first contacts go it was a smooth encounter. 
Blair McPherson 




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This is really nice to read. conversations often make us bit relaxed and feel free especially when with young children. Though this seems to very haunting story it really good to read. [url=]best essay writing service[/url]