
Updated High Impact Change tool and Adult Social Care Risk Assessment tool now available

The Local Government Association (LGA) has recently updated two resources: the High Impact Change Model and Adult social care risk awareness self-assessment tool. Both are now editable PDF documents that can be downloaded and populated electronically.  

For further information, please see the LGA Care and Health Improvement Programme webpage.


The High Impact Change Model aims to focus support on helping local system partners minimise unnecessary hospital stays and to encourage them to consider new interventions for future winters. It offers a practical approach to supporting local health and care systems to manage patient flow and discharge and can be used to self-assess how local care and health systems are working now, and to reflect on, and plan for, action they can take to reduce delays throughout the year. The model identifies eight system changes which will have the greatest impact on reducing delayed discharge.

The Adult social care risk awareness self-assessment tool was first developed in 2015 by the Towards Excellence in Adult Social Care (TEASC) programme as part of its role in identifying and managing risks across adult social care. This tool is formatted as an editable pdf which can be populated electronically. If you would like a print copy of the tool please contact

To complement the risk awareness self assessment tool, the Care and Health Improvement Programme plan to offer system leaders in health and social care a free workshop of up to one and a half days to undertake the self-assessment exercise with skilled and experienced facilitators in a confidential and peer-supported environment. For more information and to discuss this option further, please contact

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