
HSCIC Consultation on Survey of Carers in Households, England

This Health & Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) is consulting users of the Survey of Carers in Households, England 2009 - 2010 to develop a more complete understanding of the use made of this data and to ensure the survey continues to be relevant and meaningful to the needs of users. Comments will be considered against resource pressures, but will be invaluable to determine requirements for any new contractual arrangements for any Survey of Carers in Households, England Survey. HSCIC are unable to commit to this survey either being re-commissioned in the future nor, if it is re-commissioned, its timing, as it is subject to funding being made available from external sponsors.

This consultation will run for 8 weeks from 28 April 2014 to 23 June 2014. Responses can be submitted on-line or through completing and submitting a response by post or email.

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