
Peterborough JSNA - using data visualisation for health and wellbeing

Peterborough has developed a Public Health Visual Modelling site that provides a good example of how visual information about health and wellbeing and factors that affect it can be used to good effect.

The materials on this website are the results of a pioneering project that allows experts from a range of Peterborough City Council departments and other partners to collate their evidence and display it on a map of the city (visual model). This website provides visual information about Public Health in Peterborough, and the materials show the most important factors that influence children’s health. The media downloadable from this site demonstrates why the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Children is an important tool for working out how health care organisations and other partners can deliver more integrated services to improve the overall health of children in Peterborough. The combined evidence on this website demonstrates priorities that the Health and Wellbeing Board will consider when developing plans for the future.

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