
We can do without senior managers with "good ideas"

I have known some very successful chief executives who have never had a good idea of their own but all of them could recognise one when they saw one. In the current harsh financial climate we need managers to be creative and innovative, to have ideas about how we can cut costs, make efficiency savings, find new ways of doing things. We don’t need senior manager with ideas of their own, ideas that will be given a priority due to status, ideas which will stifle those from others, ideas that are not based on experience or not recent experience anyway.

The chief executive we all want to work for is the one, who creates a climate where front line experience is valued, where managers are encouraged to give their views, where it’s ok to express concerns but it’s better to have ideas. The chief executive we all want to work for is the one, who can spot a good idea where ever it comes from, takes it and runs with it but doesn’t pretend it’s their own.

Blair McPherson author of People management in a harsh financial climate published by Russell House    

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