
What About Youth? survey launching towards the end of September

Following a successful trial earlier in the year, the survey What About YOUth?, funded by the Department of Health, is to be launched towards the end of September 2014.

A key feature of What About YOUth? is that the large sample size has been designed to produce outputs that are reliable and robust at a Local Authority (LA) level. This would then enable comparisons with similar LAs and against the national position in 2015. The intention is that the survey will be repeated at a later stage to look at changes over time which will help LAs monitor their progress.

Pupils who are to turn fifteen in the 2014/15 academic year will be randomly selected to take part in the survey from the National Pupil Database (NPD). In September, around 300,000 pupils across England will be invited to take part in the survey, either by filling in a paper copy of the survey that will be posted to their home address, or alternatively, by completing the survey online via a secure website supported by Ipsos MORI. It takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Further information about what was asked within the trial survey (including question topics) is available.

Who is involved with the survey?

The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) has been commissioned by the Department of Health to develop this study in direct response to the Children and Young People’s Health Outcome Forum, who identified gaps in the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) around key health behaviour measures such as smoking, physical activity and substance misuse relating to young people’s lifestyles. HSCIC has contracted Ipsos MORI to carry out the survey. A range of stakeholders have been involved in the development of the project and are members of the steering group, including representatives from the Department of Health, Public Health England (including the former Child and Maternal Health Observatory ChiMat), the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) research network, the Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) as well as young people, charities, ethical boards and academic colleagues.

How can you get involved with defining the survey outputs?

One of the key aims for the survey is to provide users, especially LAs with data that is fit for purpose and HSCIC would welcome your thoughts and ideas on the outputs.
If you would be happy to help, or want some further information on this survey or any of the other surveys within the HSCIC Survey Programme, please contact the HSCIC Surveys team at: Further information on the survey can also be found at the survey website:

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