
LGA report, 'Our ambition for children and young people'

The LGA report, 'Our ambition for children and young people' aims to support a radical rewiring of local public services. It sets out four high level ambitions and groups 'core measures' underneath them. This is intended to provide a starting point and framework for local discussions with partners about how to join up services for children and young people around their needs and aspirations and how to measure success locally.

supporting data report provides a set of potential measures, currently out for consultation, to support the four high level ambitions. A further section detailing comparative spend on children's services is included in this report, as well as new metrics showing weekly spend per child for each service area. If you have any comments and feedback on the measures used and how it can most effectively be presented for the different audiences at a local level please email them to

Registered users of LG Inform (all local authority members and staff can register for free - can save a copy of this report, adapt it for local use and export the data and tables for use in your own reports.

Readers of this report may also find our ‘Children's Services Spending and Budgeting Research’ of interest. A consortium of the LGA, London Councils, the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Officers (SOLACE) and the Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) commissioned CIPFA to undertake a sector-led project to help provide a clearer picture of children's services costs by establishing a firm basis for comparing and recording such costs.

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