
Consultation on changes to HSCIC Statistics 2016/17 - 2018/19

What is this consultation?

The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) publishes around 90 series of Official Statistics and National Statistics each year. Use of health and care statistics helps those involved to manage the system more effectively, commission better services, understand public health trends in more detail, develop new treatments and monitor the safety and effectiveness of care providers. The HSCIC Strategy 2015-20 sets out that over the next few years HSCIC are committed to analysing and making openly available data, statistical information and insights about the health and social care sector in ways which better meet user needs. However, these changes come at a time when spending on central services is being squeezed, and HSCIC must better prioritise their current services.

HSCIC are proposing a series of changes over the next three years to help them better prioritise resources while developing the statistical products to better meet the needs of users. Their aim is to make the changes necessary to enable production of high quality statistics suited to support a modern health and care system and help Britain make better decisions. This consultation invites responses on proposed changes to HSCIC Statistics over the next three years.

There are a number of sections:

  • A. Changing how we publish our statistics, including merging some existing publications, reducing commentary about some statistics and/or disseminating data tables in different ways. The reports based on the DoLS, SALT, SACE, SAC, ASC-FR, ASCS and Guardianship collections are included in this section along with ASCOF.
  • B. Reducing the scope of some of our collections and the related published statistics.
  • C. Publishing some of our statistics less frequently. ASCS and Guardianship are included in this section.
  • D. Stopping production of some statistics altogether. Registered blind and NMDS-SC are covered in this section along with NASCIS.

How to respond

Please take a look at the proposals and respond online using the consultation survey.

If you are unable to complete the survey online you can word icon submit your response in the Word version [166kb] (Opens in a new window) by email to with the subject heading stating 'Changes to HSCIC Statistics Consultation', or post to Statistical Services, The Health and Social Care Information Centre, 1 Trevelyan Square, Boar Lane, Leeds, LS1 6AE.

The consultation will close on Monday 27 June 2016.

If you would like to know more about the consultation or if you have any queries, please contact us at to with the subject heading stating 'Changes to HSCIC Statistics Consultation'.



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