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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - May

Park Homes Site Licensing - material change to the layout without consent

Former Member, Addaswyd 5 Years yn ôl.

Park Homes Site Licensing - material change to the layout without consent

Congratulations to Guildford Borough Council which won a case last year regarding retention in a site licence of a condition preventing any material change to the layout of the site without prior written consent of the local authority – whether the imposition of such a condition ultra vires – whether the imposition of such a condition unduly burdensome. Upper Tribunal Neutral citation number: [2017] UKUT 0433 (LC) UTLC Case Number: LRX/55/2017 re Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 ss. 5, 7 and 8.