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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

RE: Submission of a Plan to the LPA - Has anyone rejected one?

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

Submission of a Plan to the LPA - Has anyone rejected one?

Have any Authorities had experience of rejecting a plan being submitted to them for Examination?  What were the grounds for that rejection? 

What if the Plan meets the legal requirements but is poor in every other way (lack of evidence, v poorly written policies which can not be implemented, only the most basic consultation) - are we able to reject it? 

In this particular case there has been very limited involvement in the plan preparation by ourselves (despite our considerable efforts to coach and guide) and it is now being submitted.  We are concerned that appointing an Examiner will give the impression that we consider it to be sound and credible, when in fact it is not.  Its a no win situation, we reject it now we are the bad guys stopping local decision making, but if we let it go through to Examination and it fails reputationally this will also not be good and could make the other NDP groups we work very closely with nervous.

Finally what happens if the Forum takes no further part in the process.  In this case there is no steam left and I very much suspect that now submitted they want no further involvement.  Thanks.

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Submission of a Plan to the LPA - Has anyone rejected one?

I am the Neighbourhood Planner for Wokingham Borough Council. I would recommend submitting the plan for a 'healthcheck' through NPIERS, which means an Examiner looks at the plan and gives a report on whether they think it would pass Examination. The cost should be less than £1000 and take less than a month. That way you don't have to be the 'bad guy', but can get an independent opinion on the plan.

Jo Witherden, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Submission of a Plan to the LPA - Has anyone rejected one?

Enthusiast Posts: 33 Join Date: 21/10/11 Recent Posts

I certainly had dialogue with a group after they sent in their information to suggest areas for improvement that could be readily and quickly done. So the 'submission' was held in abeyance until they had a chance to consider and make any changes they wanted.  But it sounds that in your situation there may not be this quick fix or that sort of relationship.  So then I would agree with Rebecca that an 'independent' view is likely to be your best way forward - and as a council the question then is, how can you do this at least cost and in a reasonable timeframe.   

Hope this helps - Jo



Helen Breen, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Submission of a Plan to the LPA - Has anyone rejected one?

New Member Posts: 15 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts

Hi Sarah, just a thought...if the policies are badly written and unimplementable it is possible to even judge that the Plan meets the basic condition of being in conformity with your strategic policies? And also have you been able to undertake any SEA Screening work if the policies are written in such a poor way?


Lorna Coldicott, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Submission of a Plan to the LPA - Has anyone rejected one?

New Member Posts: 19 Join Date: 12/08/13 Recent Posts
You can, as a Local Authority, also respond to the pre submission plan of course. If you had to submit, you could put all your concerns into that response so that the Examiner was aware of the issues and your objections