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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

RE: Reclaiming exempted CIL

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

Reclaiming exempted CIL

Has anybody had to claim back CIL on a self-build development because the requirements of Reg. 54C were not complied with? I.E. the Part 2 Form and necessary supporting documents was not submitted within 6 months of the compliance certificate date.
Rebecca Randall, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Reclaiming exempted CIL

Enthusiast Posts: 60 Join Date: 06/05/14 Recent Posts

This hasn't happened here yet, but I am sure it will given the strict requirements of 54C and the Part 2 Form.

I suppose you would have to issue a revised liability notice to reflect the withdrawal of the relief - and issue a demand notice at the same time? Be interested to find out your approach on this as and when you resolve it.