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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

RE: self build exemption proofs

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

self build exemption proofs


A potential self build new home exemption claimant has raised an issue that I'd like some advice on, please.  When I told him what the part 2 criteria are for claiming exemption he responded by saying:

  •  An approved claim from HM Revenue and Customs under ‘VAT431NB: VAT refunds for DIY housebuilders’; or 

The builder is not charging me vat so I will not need to do a vat return

  • A Specialist Self Build Warranty; or 

The warranty company I want to use (CRL) who is the 3rd biggest in the country have simplified there procedure to one warranty for both self-builds and developers (see attached) so they do not offer a specific self build warranty

  • An approved Self Build Mortgage from a bank or building society.

I am funding the build with my life savings and without borrowing


I'm not conversant with VAT regulations (and frankly feel that my life is enhanced by that) but even though new build is zero-rated surely the builder must still provide VAT invoices which would presumably allow the CIL relief claimant would be able to complete a VAT claim?


Any advice would be welcome.

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: self build exemption proofs



Is it possible that the builder is not charging VAT as the builder  is re-claiming which case the builder will have the VAT certificate not the claimant?

