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RE: Local Plans Panel - call for evidence published

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

Local Plans Panel - call for evidence published

I've just (while looking for something else) stumbled across a DCLG announcement of 8 October that the "Panel of Experts" looking at the methodology for Local Plan making is seeking evidence from stakeholders.  However, I've seen nothing whatsoever in the Planning press, nor am I aware that anything has been sent direct to Planning Policy teams.

Am I missing something, or is this the quietest, most discreet consultation in planning history?  Is anyone working on a response?  The deadline is Friday 23 October.

Daniel Hudson, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Plans Panel - call for evidence published

Advocate Posts: 121 Join Date: 25/04/12 Recent Posts
I think you are assuming that they have any interest at all in what people who actually do the job have to say!
Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Plans Panel - call for evidence published

Since the announcement is categorised as a "Housing" announcement, not a "Planning and Building" one, it's pretty clear who's in the driving seat.  I wonder if they have noticed that Local Plans are not just about housing ... or do we not care about any of the other stuff any more?!
Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Plans Panel - call for evidence published

It is certainly something that PAS are aware of, and when it was launched there was quite a lot about the expert group on social media and in various blogs, it was also on Planning Resource/Planning magazine. 

PAS and the LGA have both been invited to speak to the panel, and the LGA will be submitted something in response to the call for evidence on behalf of local authorities. 

However I would urge you to discuss with your networks and input either via the RTPI or POS. 

Apparently the Housing and Planing Bill (note new title, not just a Housing Bill now) is being introduced to Parliament today so the detail of measures around starter homes, permissions in principle, local plans and intervention in 2017, should be public this afternoon. 

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Plans Panel - call for evidence published

Hello all,

I asked the very helpful Ian Piper (the name at the bottom of the call for Evidence sheet) at CLG why the timescale for responding was so short, what the the timetable for the expert group’s work was,  and when their draft findings and/or final report will be made public.

Below is his reply in italics - if you are responding to this call for evidence, note especially the section I have underlined - looks like a bit of breathing space, though I am still trying to establish what 'as soon as possible thereafter' means.....


Call for evidence – in fact the Call for Evidence was originally launched on 18 September; and local planning authorities were invited to submit thoughts in Steve Quartermain’s newsletter to Chief Planners on 2 October.  More recent republications of the Call – including that on the Department’s website  on 8 October – have been an attempt to ensure that anyone who did not pick up the original launch still have an opportunity to respond.


However, recognising that in practice the deadline is short for some people, please indicate by 23 October if you intend to submit a response; and then respond fully as soon as possible thereafter.


Timetable – The Group have a remit to report to Ministers by February 2016.  There has been no commitment on the part of Government to make public their report.

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Plans Panel - call for evidence published


for info Ian Piper at CLG has clarified the final, final deadline for submissions  - he says :

"the Group are expected to discuss responses at their next meeting on Mon 2 November, so you would need to get anything to me by 3.00pm that day to ensure that it can be taken into account."


Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Plans Panel - call for evidence published

Thanks for the updates Valerie. 

I think it's a bit disingenuous of them to say that it was included in the Chief Planner's letter.  There was a passing reference saying that LPAs could get in touch if they had any views.  But nothing in the way of dates, timescales, questions to be addressed etc. 

One is tempted to respond that the panel should consider instructing us to conduct evidence-gathering and consultation on Local Plans in a similarly under-the-radar manner.  That would definitely speed things up! 

But that is most definitely only my personal view; I'll leave the formal engagement with this process to others.

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Plans Panel - call for evidence published

I was aware of this from the press so have submitted a response but just wondering whether the Chief Planner letter is an effective means of communication - do these generally  get passed on to Local Plans teams as I can't recall the last time I saw one?
Daniel Hudson, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Local Plans Panel - call for evidence published

Advocate Posts: 121 Join Date: 25/04/12 Recent Posts

Well I guess one way of speeding up the local plan process would be if in terms of

1)  Consultation measures, consultation periods and consultation publicity;

2) The notice taken of consultation responses;

We lowered our standards to those of Central Government.

Oh and we could lower our standards for founding policy on evidence, impact analysis and consideration of options to those of the Policy Exchange.