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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

RE: Use of CIL

Former Member, modified 8 Years ago.

Use of CIL

Can CIL be used to fund design and feasibility studies for infrastructure projects?  Would this fall under Reg 59?

Rebecca Randall, modified 8 Years ago.

RE: Use of CIL

Enthusiast Posts: 60 Join Date: 06/05/14 Recent Posts

Hi Helen,

I dont see any reason why you can't - it would be funding the provision of infrastructure to support development. You can't get past all the project loopholes without this key paperwork. I do wonder if it would be easier to fund these types of things from other pots to avoid your Annual Monitoring Report showing vast amounts of CIL expenditure and nothing on the ground to show for it.

It may be worth giving the CIL Officer at one of the CIL frontrunner authorities a call since some of them are much more advanced in terms of spending CIL and may be able to give you specific examples of where they have spent their CIL money. Maybe Redbridge or Shropshire.
