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Self Build Warranty

Rebecca Randall, modified 8 Years ago.

Self Build Warranty

Enthusiast Posts: 60 Join Date: 06/05/14 Recent Posts


I dont think anyone has posted this specific question before and hopefully it will of some use to others. Can anyone name any self-build warranty providers that have enabled a self-builder to successfully navigate the requirements of the Self Build Exemption Part 2 Annex B requirements please? I have some very pro-active self-builders who are struggling to find one that offer stage completion certificates and others are charging substantially more to use a geo-technical engineer rather than a structural engineer. I have suggested they contact BLP, Self Build Zone and I can chat with our building control team to see if they offer anything. I understnad NHBC no longer offer them and they have already contact Premier.

Any other suggestions please? I'm new to this so any other experiences would be appreciated.

Thank you, Rebecca.