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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Local Plans Expert Group Report

Piers Elias, modified 8 Years ago.

Local Plans Expert Group Report

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

Last September, DCLG set up a ‘Local Plan Expert Group (LPEG)’ to recommend how to make more efficient the process of preparing local plans. LPEG has now submitted its report to the Communities Secretary and to the Minister of Housing and Planning. The report, including its recommendations, is available to be downloaded here together with a full set of Appendices, a series of more detailed Discussion Papers for practitioners, which explain the work and thinking in more detail and a set of the Detailed recommendations, which includes proposals for their transition.

It asks for responses by all interested parties by Wednesday, April 27th 2016.

Best regards,

Piers Elias