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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Alternatives to Idox Public Access

Former Member, modified 7 Years ago.

Alternatives to Idox Public Access

Last night I attended a meeting of our council's Scrutiny Committee to present our draft Digital Strategy. While I made it clear we weren't there to talk about existing software or issues with it, there was strong feeling in the room about the inadeqacies of Public Access as a customer front end. 

I've been tasked with finding a way to make how we present planning applications and searches easier for the public. Has anyone else had a similar journey? Have you been able to work within the confines of Public Access and make it better? Have you used an alternative product, or have you built your own front end?

Thanks in advance



Former Member, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Alternatives to Idox Public Access

Hi We use Civica "My Service Planning" but never liked the front screen so have a boxy looking lotus notes interface. We are ment to be moving over to the new version of My service Planning which is mobile device compliant but having a few problems with the development on the front face screen and how it will function. so not sure about how that will pan out. always liked the MSP for the website as it enables the public to measure from the drawings.