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Alternative planning strategies to an Area Action Plan

Jane Howarth, modified 7 Years ago.

Alternative planning strategies to an Area Action Plan

New Member Posts: 2 Join Date: 08/02/17 Recent Posts

We are currently working on bringing forward a strategic site identified in our adopted core strategy through an Area Action Plan.  However, due to limited resources we are considering  alternative planning strategies for bringing the site forward. The area is in multiple ownership and there are other constraints to overcome. To enable housing growth there will need to be acquisition of land to provide the necessary infrastructure. Has anyone been in position where they have considered using an AAP but discounted it for an alternative planning strategy?  What were the reasons behind discounting the AAP and opting for an alternative planning strategy?

Former Member, modified 7 Years ago.

RE: Alternative planning strategies to an Area Action Plan

Hi Jane, 

It depends on a lot of factors; size of site, range of landuses and infrastructure require, what policy already exists for the area. 

The three options that spring to mind are; Development Brief, SPD and AAP. Obviously all have differing levels of weight in decision making and the development brief and SPD are limitied in their purpose and content by the 2012 regs. 

Perhaps if the issue is with multiple landowners setting up a spatial framework group and engaging with them, plus one of the options above would be the best course of action? 

If the AAP is for just one site, the process from preparing the plan to examination and adoption should not take too long; limited evidence base and likely reduced number of representors. If you engage with the landowners/developers one would hope your AAP would go relatively unchallenged through the examination.