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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

The physical file, business essential or super spreader?

Robin Barber, modified 4 Years ago.

The physical file, business essential or super spreader?

New Member Posts: 9 Join Date: 01/08/18 Recent Posts

Hive mind of Planners and Building Control Officers.....I need your thoughts and opinions on the other side. I'm currently writing an article and one area that I'm looking at is will we see the final demise of the physical file. Will they be classed as super spreaders, passed around the office, moved from car to site to office or are we going to wash our hands each time we do a plan check? Are you coming under pressure in the office to free up storage space to allow for social distancing to be achieved?  Either post below or drop me a message at