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Class Q GPDO floor space

William Rogerson, modified 4 Years ago.

Class Q GPDO floor space

New Member Posts: 16 Join Date: 15/01/15 Recent Posts

I have a query about floor space increase following the conversion of an agricultural building under Class Q. If an agricultural building has been converted - to the maximum floor space allowed - following a Class Q approval and that building has sufficient internal height to add a first floor, could this be done without any further permissions? 

The building already has windows installed at first floor level and so there is no need to change the external appearance of the building. All works required are internal, and so by definition do not qualify as "development". Class A permitted development (The enlargement, improvement or other alteration of a dwelling) is not permitted where permission to convert the building to a dwelling house was made under Class Q. However, as already mentioned internal works are not "development" 

Any thoughts or comments appreciated.

Thank you

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