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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

RE: shared ownership

Rebecca Martin, modified 6 Years ago.

shared ownership

Enthusiast Posts: 77 Join Date: 06/09/13 Recent Posts

Has anyone come across the issue of if a housing association getting charitable relief on their development but intends to have some of the properties as shared ownership.

I looked at the reg 43 and it states that if the material interest is jointly owned with a person who is not a charitable insitution then they would not be exempt from CIL. Am i looking at this correctly?

Has anyone had this situation and how did you ascertain that the HA was wanting to have some of the properties as shared ownership?


Simon Anstey, modified 6 Years ago.

RE: shared ownership

Enthusiast Posts: 74 Join Date: 17/07/15 Recent Posts
A large part of our housing strategy is to enable low cost home ownership and shared ownership. CIL exemptions are mandatory on social rented housing but there is also a discretionary element which we have implemented so developments containing low cost home ownership or shared ownership can apply for an affordable housing exemption.