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Energy Performance - NZEB, Future Homes Standard and PPG

Jamie van Iersel, modified 3 Years ago.

Energy Performance - NZEB, Future Homes Standard and PPG

New Member Posts: 6 Join Date: 01/07/20 Recent Posts

Hi All,


I am looking at policy on sustainable construction/ energy performance and am wondering if anyone else is navigating the current climate of pending and proposed changes to the Building Regs and could share their direction of travel?


The following three are influencing factors:

1. Reg 25B that will require buildings to be Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings by Dec 31 2020

2. Future Homes Standard 

3. Current PPG that states LPs can't require more than level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes - which I believe is about 19% beyond current Building Regs Part L


Depending on timings, I may or may not be able to wait for any further announcements from central gov on the direction of Future Homes Standard and for this reason am considering an interim policy requiring the 19%.


Thank you