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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

Moving the "red line" on a certificate of development for a caravan

Former Member, modified 3 Years ago.

Moving the "red line" on a certificate of development for a caravan

Hi, I'm looking for some advice out of desperation. We have had so much conflicting advice from our planning department. We are living in a static caravan with a certificate of lawful development which we have recently received. We need to replace the current caravan. We have been told we are allowed to change this to anything that is within the caravan act as long as it is in exactly the same place. There's several different reasons that we need to start building it about 10 centermetres behind the existing caravan. The council have now told us to do this, we will need to go down full planning? Is this correct? How can you go down full planning for a caravan? We just don't have the time to start a whole new planning, we are completely desperate. Can someone help please?



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