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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Re: Example Conditions and S106 cost levels

Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Example Conditions and S106 cost levels

Hi I am trying to develop example template conditions that could be used by district and borough councils to secure the provision of: - designed-in home adaptations (e.g. to lifetime home standards) for older and disabled people) - fibre optic broadband cabling for new residential and commercial development Does anyone have any experience of using conditions to secure these things, and if so any example wording? Also, I am trying to determine appropriate levels of contributions towards: - enhancement of existing or provision of new adult care (social) services - upgrading of telephone exchanges to support high speed broadband Does anyone have any experience of securing financial contributions towards these services, and if so, any evidence of costs and/or an appropriate charge per dwelling? Thanks in advance for any help Harriet
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Example Conditions and S106 cost levels

I can't be of any assistance, Harriet, but these are areas of interest for LCC so we would like to know how other authorities are dealing with these issues. Your Topic is very welcome!
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Example Conditions and S106 cost levels

Brendan I saw you'd replied and thought you might have cracked it, oh well! I'll let you know if I get anywhere with this. Harriet