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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

The future of s106 without a CIL in place

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

The future of s106 without a CIL in place

I am interested to know how the s106 system is expected to operate in circumstances where an authority chooses not to adopt CIL presently because of viability issues. Specifically, I remain uncertain as to the interpretation of the term 'project or type of infrastructure' relative to the restrictions on pooled contributions for infrastructure now categorised as being CIL fundable. I have read recent comments on the discussion forum which seem to suggest that by careful wording of legal agreements the 'no more than five contributions' rule can be operated in a site specific as opposed to a borough wide way. If true, this would provide greater flexibility and protect S106 income streams until such time as a CIL charge was introduced. I appreciate that the three statutory tests would always apply before such agreements could be safely entered into. Brian Sheasby Planning Contributions Officer Lancaster City Council