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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Charging schedule commencement date

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Charging schedule commencement date

We are looking to implement our CIL charging schedule in Spring 2013. The regs and guidance seem to suggest that CIL should be applied to applications permitted after a certain date. I think this means that if we say our CIL commencement date is May 1st, we need to be calculating CIL on applications received from the beginning of February, to allow for 13 week applications. Does anyone know if there is anything to stop us saying that the 1st May is our CIL commencement date and that CIL will apply to applications made valid after that date - or does it have to be applications permitted on or after that date? Thanks
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Charging schedule commencement date

Hi Sarah, CIL applies to applications permitted after the date specified on your adopted Charging Schedule. You can't make only applicable to applications validated after that date. Giving plenty of notice to agents and developers in your area of the start date of your CIL and how it will work is the only way to avoid inevitable complaints that they were not aware of the situation