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Self Build and CIL - Onward Sales

Daniel Hudson, modified 10 Years ago.

Self Build and CIL - Onward Sales

Advocate Posts: 121 Join Date: 25/04/12 Recent Posts

Self build for the purposes of CIL is defined as 'a dwelling built by P (including where built following a commission by P) and occupied by P as P’s sole or main residence'.

If P then sells the property within the clawback period, (or lets it or uses it as a second home) then, by definition,  it ceases to be self build. In other words, a disqualifying event has occured and P is liable for the CIL.

Within this period, the CIL liability would not exactly be a selling point - something which lenders will be mindful of. Moreover if a self builder gets into difficulties, he could not sell to another self builder (or a self building collective) without assuming or passing on the CIL liability.

Has this been thought through?