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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Keeping abreast of current issues

Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Keeping abreast of current issues

What would people recommend as the best source of information re enforcement best practice / cases / emerging issues. I suppose I'm thinking of something like the DC Casebook section in Planning magazine but aimed specifically at enforcement. Preferably should be free, and take no more than 30 mins per week to read!
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Enforcement information

Andy, Have you considered joining the National Association of Planning Enforcement? They have their own website pages within the RTPI site including a discussion forum. the more people that join and add to the disussion forum the more valuable this will beome as a useful resource for information, best practice and to discuss emerging case law.