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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Re: Camelot property turning an office (or town hall) into a HMO !

Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Camelot property turning an office (or town hall) into a HMO !

Is your LPA on the list ? Use the following link to check if Camelot Property are in your area ! They make money by selling places to people to let a 'residential space' in a pub, office, town hall etc.. Camelot fit out the offices with W/C Bathroom etc and then also charge the owner for the 'on site security' that the tenants give by living on site. We have had a few 'issues' with this company for unauthorised COU
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Camelot property turning an office (or town hall) into a HMO !

Hello Can I ask what unauthorised COU is? We lived with these for a brief time before they forged signatures on contracts so they could charge us more money and I am trying to build a case against them
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Camelot property turning an office (or town hall) into a HMO !

COU = Change of Use