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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

confusion over content

Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

confusion over content

Can anyone clarify what is supposed to be in a neighbourhood plan? As I understand it the NP ought to include policy on the type, design and location of development, yet some plans are dealing with much wider issues, such as transport and highways. Confused. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: confusion over content

I've not been that closely involved, but because it's Friday I'll offer my own opinion. In common with many "localist" things, I don't think you're going to see many clarifications about what should be in a plan - the answer is "it's up to you". In the medium term, we'll be able to see some neighbourhood plans that do work, and no doubt a taxonomy will develop: - neighbourhood plans for the high street - neighbourhood plans for the rural settlement - neighbourhood plans for sequencing developments - NP for local design - NP for local infrastructure etc Each type of plan will require its own structure, and as time goes by and neighbourhoods recycle each other's work patterns will form I'd suggest. As I said, this is just my thoughts. I'm not rising to the bait about whether some of the ideas I've heard put forward as tasks for neighbourhood plans are suitable.
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: confusion over content

Richard is right it appears to be a free for all with regards to content, and it is up to you assuming what you propose is in general conformity with the NPPF and local strategic policies. Although I would imagine that the majority wont do much more than a local design guide, mostly because they wont want to be accountable if it all goes wrong.