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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Re: District and Local Centres & Neighbourhood Planning

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

District and Local Centres & Neighbourhood Planning

Is anyone developing a Neighbourhood Plan for a district or local centre? I have been doing a lot of work supporting the regeneration of suburban district centres and would be interested in seeing how an NP could assist this process. The current planning system does not seem able to deal with these issues. I am not sure whether NP process can! Particular issues that have been brought to my attention by businesses and residents are: - the perceived over supply of grocery shops/take aways/hairdressers in these centres - the perceived need to maximise on street parking to ensure footfall - issues around loading/unloading and general servicing of shops
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: District and Local Centres & Neighbourhood Planning

Not sure what the ettiquette is on posting a reply to your your own question but have come across the following Guide on the Association of Convenience Stores web site. There is also info on Neighbourhood Plans, Development Control etc 1. Planning for Diverse Local Centres This guide has been produced by ACS to help local businesses, communities and councils understand how town planning can be used to help support and achieve diverse and healthy local centres, which are at the hearts of their communities. For further info see