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Extensions of Time

Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Extensions of Time


Can anyone help with the following wonderings please:

  1. Currently I can see that (in line with the PS2 guidance available via Interform) that for major applications and some other applications extensions of time can be recorded in column k of the PS2. Does this mean that the application is simply excluded in total from the stats?
  2. I can see from PAS guidance dated September 2013 that Councils can report agreed extensions on the PS1/PS2 return from the end of the first quarter (presumably of 2014/5) and that these can relate to minor applications.  If an extension is agreed now, how are we supposed to record it? 
  3. What was the date that extensions of time of minor applications came into effect?


  • Thanks muchly,
  • Michelle


John Theobald, modified 10 Years ago.

Extensions of Time

Enthusiast Posts: 61 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

Performance Agreements, Extensions to Time or Environmental Impact Assessments do not go into the time in weeks section of the PS2. They are recorded in cols J and K only. So the DCLG just want to know how many there are and how many were made within the agreed time limit. Also, the CLG statutory returns notes issued around mid January for the PS1 & 2s provided guidance. Kind regards, John

John Theobald, modified 10 Years ago.

Extensions of Time

Enthusiast Posts: 61 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

Does anyone know if Extensions of Time are allowed on County Matter applications? At the moment the draft changes to the statistical returns just allow the recording of delivery agreements etc on major, minor and other decisions, in the PS2. Currently they cannot be reported in the CPS1/2 forms. Many thanks, John

Richard Crawley, modified 10 Years ago.

Extensions of Time

Expert Posts: 256 Join Date: 07/12/11 Recent Posts

Hi John.

The guide that I have (dated Jan 2014) says


"PPAs, Extensions of Time or Environmental Impact Assessments should not be recorded for minor developments, minerals processing, change of use, householder developments and advertisements." (my emph)



John Theobald, modified 10 Years ago.

Extensions of Time

Enthusiast Posts: 61 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

Many thanks Richard. I think what confused me is that in the recent email from DCLG about changes to the quarterly planning returns it provides drafts that suggest we will be able to at last report Extns of Time and PPAs on ‘Minors’ and ‘Others’ from April ’14 onwards. However to date no draft CPS1/2 has been circulated so I have asked DCLG if any changes are proposed to the County Matter forms. Any applicable feedback I’ll put on here. Regards, John

Richard Crawley, modified 10 Years ago.

Extensions of Time

Expert Posts: 256 Join Date: 07/12/11 Recent Posts

Possibly off-topic, but I was thinking while cycling through the rain this morning that the PS2 guidance is only part of the story. 

Entering into a PPA is sometimes going to be a very sensible thing to do on a county matter application. PPAs reinforce many good approaches and behavious. 

So, the question is a reporting one - not a process one. 


John Theobald, modified 10 Years ago.

Extensions of Time

Enthusiast Posts: 61 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts

According to the latest DCLG update re quarterly planning application statistical returns, we can now report extensions of time/PPAs etc on County Matters, Majors, Minors and Others. Regards, John


Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Extensions of Time

Hi John,  for convenience, would you mind attaching the latest version of the DCLG guidance to this thread.  I had not caught up with this change, and it may be that others havent either. Will save us all trying to find it on the gov website!

John Theobald, modified 10 Years ago.

Extensions of Time

Enthusiast Posts: 61 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts


It was a round robin email from Catherine Bernard at DCLG 14 May entitled 'URGENT:  Updated Note - Changes to the quarterly planning returns'. I'll see if I can attach, but it's not looking hopeful as it says I cannot upload into here! However, it would have gone to your local authority contact for the statutory returns.

Regards, John







Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Extensions of Time

 Hi John - thanks.  As I am not at a council, but at PAS, we dont always get these emails from DCLG.  If it is proving difficult to attach, would you mind simply forwarding the email to me at and I will use this to update the notes on the PAS website.  Thanks