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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

Online Colloboration and Consultation (BB Word: Crowdsourcing)

Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Online Colloboration and Consultation (BB Word: Crowdsourcing)

Has anybody considered (or is considering) new innovative methods of consultation for future plans? I think most LPAs have use of LDF consultation systems (e.g. Citrusabode), but in general they seem to just replicate what we have always done in way of comment/object/support this that or the other. Useful, but not quite so interactive or user-generated as what it could be. We have been toying with the idea of testing issues and options and gettting the public to come up with their own ideas and then be rated and commented on by others online. I suppose similar to the YourFreedom website the Government set up or Amazon. An option for dealing with an issue could be suggested, people could then vote on it (1-5) and also comment. They could give it a thumbs up or down. This way it could possibly tie in with the bottom-up agenda. Forums where the Council has almost an obligation to respond may become difficult to adminster and time consuming e.g. comments on a blog or a facebook group/page. Or perhaps Council's shouldn't be doing any of this, after all the big society can do it, and do it already. Single issue opposition groups are already good at setting up websites. Any thoughts or progess made elsewhere in these murky times would be helpful.
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Online Colloboration and Consultation (BB Word: Crowdsourcing)

If you are looking at this type of voting system, you need to consider the possibility for somebody to vote multiple times (i.e. run a script voting a few hundred times against or for something) In terms of doing it, the iNovem system enables feed back on documents, and you could run a forum off the back of it. However you still need to let the public know that it is there, otherwise you will just get swamped by the usual suspects.
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Online Colloboration and Consultation (BB Word: Crowdsourcing)

Thanks for the reply. That of course is the concern with a voting system. Unless there was somewhere to limit to one per email for each topic/issue. I am sure that most people are concerned that whatever they do, it will be swamped by the usual suspects. I am not sure how to get round that. Letting the public know usually means letting the usual suspects know too - and they usually listen and respond!