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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Consultation by 1to1 interview using a representative sample?

Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Consultation by 1to1 interview using a representative sample?

Hi, Does anybody have any experience of running a closed consultation for a development plan at an early stage? It has been suggested that we could 'check' the views of the public on issues facing the area and growth via a 1to1 interview technique. Questions could be explained in detail, which could help formulate richer responses and it would be pre-designed to be as representative of people across the area - not just of age, ethnicity, disability etc but of location and whether a homeowner or not a business or resident etc. There is a school of thought within the Council that this may reflect people's opinions better than previous consultations which are mainly those opposed to development. Clearly though, a wider public consultation would need to be run at some point as well on the same subject.
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Consultation by 1to1 interview using a representative sample?

No experience of such a thing I am afraid. But I just wanted to comment that it sounds a very good idea. If it hasn't been tried previously, one has to wonder "why not?". It seems like a good solution to address the age old problem of consultation representations only ever being received from the usual suspects. As you say, a standard consultation would have to be run alongside it.