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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

The Localism Bill and Heritage Assets

Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

The Localism Bill and Heritage Assets

Page 317 (Schedule 12 Paras 22/23/24) of Volume 2 of the Localism Bill is leading to a great deal of confusion where it makes reference to existing legislation and proposed changes relating to the historic environment, contained in the the 1990 (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act. It says that Sections 66 (Listed Buildings) and 72 (Conservation areas) of the 1990 Act are amended by inserting at the end 'nothing in this section applies in relation to neighbourhood development orders'. How should this be interpreted? Are they saying that the LPA will no longer be able to excercise control over works to listed buildings or seek to protect the character of conservation areas where a NDA has been introduced, or are they saying that the Bill is not intended to extend control through NDAs to these works, so that the current system of control will remain? If they are seeking to take control over works to listed buildings from the trained professionals (usually Conservation Officers) employed by the LPA then this is potentially devastating and should be receiving far wider publicity, rather than a few vague sentences slipped into the Bill. The IHBC and English Heritage should take the lead in raising concerns at the highest level if proper professional control over works to historic buildings, or works which affect the character of conservation areas is under such serious threat. How would others interpret this confusing, but potentially highly significant ,clause in the Bill?