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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Partial retention of saved policies

Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Partial retention of saved policies

I'm working on a 'Housing DPD' which reviews our saved local plan policies dealing specifically with managing residential development. The problem is, there are quite a few policies in the local plan that deal with both residential and non-residential - in the same policy. So my question is: does anyone know whether it is possible to continue to save part of a saved policy but replace the remainder? If you have any experience of this, it would be really helpful to know how the process worked...
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Partial retention of saved policies

We have encountered a similar problem, in that on closer inspection, some of the policies we thought our Core Strategy would replace (and therefore no longer need to be saved) actually have more detailed elements that we want to save until other DPDs have also been completed. We have made suggested minor amendments to our Publication Draft CS to save some policies we previously indicated we did not want to save ! As our CS Examination is still underway, I don't know whether this will be accepted by the Inspector or not. Our thinking is that the saved part of the policy that has been superseded by a CS policy would effectively become defunct as the more up to date DPD relevant to that matter would have all the weight. That part of the saved policy without a more up to date dev plan element would retain its status and weight. Hope this helps.
Mark Chant, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: Partial retention of saved policies

New Member Posts: 12 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
Our MWDF Core Strategy has been through examination and is now adopted. Appendix 1 lists how the suite of MWDF policies will replace existing Minerals and Waste Local Plan policies. This appendix makes clear that adoption of the Core Strategy will only partially replace a number of individual Local Plan policies and that other DPDs will need to be adopted before these individual policies go in their entirety. What the appendix doesn't do though is highlight what part of a specific Local Plan policy is saved and what part is replaced.