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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Re: Major Developed Sites in the GReen Belt and the draft NPPF

Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Major Developed Sites in the GReen Belt and the draft NPPF

Has anyone spotted an equivalent reference to these, and in particular what it says in Annexe C to PPG2 (especially paras C3 and C4) within the draft NPPF?
Helen Willows, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Major Developed Sites in the GReen Belt and the draft NPPF

New Member Posts: 19 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts
Have a look at the final bullet point of paragraph 144 of the draft NPPF. To my reading, this takes the principal of major developed sites and applies it to any developed site in the green belt. This becomes an issue to be dealt with by Development Management on a site by site basis, rather than a policy issue to be dealt with in the context of issues of sustainability etc at a strategic level.
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Major Developed Sites in the GReen Belt and the draft NPPF

Thanks both of you that's really helpful