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Re: Local Plan Policies/Proposals Map.

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Local Plan Policies/Proposals Map.

Hi We are in the process of preparing what the government now seem to want to call a "local plan policies map" which as far as I understand it is what was a proposals map. We however are really struggling with working out what should or should not be on the this map. Local Planning regs state "Form and content of the adopted policies map9.—(1) The adopted policies map must be comprised of, or contain, a map of the local planning authority’s area which must— (a)be reproduced from, or be based on, an Ordnance Survey map; (b)include an explanation of any symbol or notation which it uses; and (c)illustrate geographically the application of the policies in the adopted development plan. " Which I assume means that if we have a policy that has some form of geographical implication (i.e. the policy sets/defines something which can be mappable) then we need to include that on the map. This in a lot of cases in quite straight forward e.g. shopping areas and protected green space, but we are really not entirely sure what to do where the data is either regularly changing or incomplete/potentially misleading. The area of confusion is specifically around flood risk data at the moment (however we have debated at length conservation areas for example), in the sense that we have recently completed an update to our Strategic Flood risk assessment. Whilst we now have an updated flood risk zones, we are concerned about showing this data as the data very much has the "health warning" that it shouldn't be used to identify individual properties (EA advice) and that this data doesn't include the additional pluvial flooding data, and hence may lead to a situation where a property/area is identified as being safe from flooding on the proposals map but actually is at significant risk from pluvial flooding. We were originally going show zones 2&3 aka like the previous regs, but we are now not so sure. To add to the confusion further the EA have also told us that they are planning to now remodel the data regularly and hence the flood risk data on the proposals map could get out of data very quickly. Any advice anyone has would be much appreciated.
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Plan Policies/Proposals Map.

Hi Paul, We recently revised our "local plan policies map" (got to love the jargon) and decided to omit the flood risk data for the reasons that you have picked up on. Similarly when we undertake land charge local searches, we provide a statement referring people to the Environment Agency for up to date flood mapping. On the map key, we also refer to general policies that may not be mapped but are still relevant considerations. On this occasion we have actually revised our "local plan policies map" in house which allows us a greater deal of flexibility when it comes to future revisions anticipated from delivery of our Site Allocations Plan.
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Plan Policies/Proposals Map.

Thanks for your reply Nick, This was the approach I think we have decided we are going to take also, it makes me feel a bit more confident if other LAs are going this way also.
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Plan Policies/Proposals Map.

I have just read the Woking CS Inspector's Decision Letter (26/7/12) - in that he notes that the policies map is not to include Flood Zones for ease of future updates and clarity - the Inspector did not disagree with this approach. Flood Zone to be available separately.
Gerard Woods, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Plan Policies/Proposals Map.

New Member Posts: 23 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
I think this (old) advice from the Planning Inspectorate's "Examining Development Plan Documents: Learning from Experience" in September 2009 is probably still relevant: "56. Authorities are finding the advice in PPS12 that proposals maps should show areas at risk of flooding hard to apply in practice. This is because flood risk areas can be subject to frequent change as for example mitigation measures or revised drainage arrangements are put in place. This problem is acknowledged by CLG and DPDs are unlikely to be found unsound on the basis that the proposals map does not show areas of flooding unless the relationship between flooding and the location of development is a significant issue in a particular area. However the extent of any flooding issue should be referred to in the text of the DPD." Nick, we are exploring whether we can update our Proposals Map in-house - what software did you use to do this?
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Plan Policies/Proposals Map.

Hi Gerard, Our GIS Team utlised Adobe Illustrator to put together the map. A programme called Global Mapper was used to compile a b/w raster of the Borough Map with gridlines and it was then imported into Illustrator using the MaPublisher (by Avensa) plugin which allowed for georeferencing. A series of shapefiles were then imported and added to the map. Whilst there were costs involved with acquiring the software, this was cheaper than outsourcing and it allows for us to make future revisions at no cost (bar printing possibly). Hope this makes sense.
Gerard Woods, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Plan Policies/Proposals Map.

New Member Posts: 23 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
Hi Nick, thanks, that does make sense and is very helpful. Our GIS programme is MapInfo, though I guess yours is ArcView as you mention shapefiles. Even if the packages are different, our GIS technician thinks we could more or less do the same as you are doing. We are currently are experimenting with Freehand, which we have had for years but we had not previously considered using it for full scale map production. We have not seen MAPublisher in action with Illustrator, but from reading about it understand it is more tailored and sophisticated than Freehand. We will probably look at the trial versions of the two working together. However, we are not sure why you used Global Mapper to compile a b/w raster of the Borough Map with gridlines. Are you unable to import a raster base map from your GIS into MAPublisher and then add gridlines (we can do this with MapInfo and Freehand)? (Sorry for the extra questions!)
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Plan Policies/Proposals Map.

Hi Gerard, Please see a response from our GIS Officer below: We produced four proposals maps: a west sheet and an east sheet for the main map and two town centre inset maps. The basis for each was a geospatial PDF containing the raster base map (black and white raster version of Vector Map Local for the main sheets), grid lines and vector data (shapefiles) for each policy. This was exported on the correct paper size and to scale. The paper sizes were different for each. When the pdfs were imported into Illustrator, MAPublisher enabled the layers to be separated so that individual styling could be applied to each. We are not an ESRI site and are not wedded to any one GIS, making use, instead, of several different pieces of software (Quantum GIS; Global Mapper; Manifold; Cadcorp) all of which can handle shapefiles. Global Mapper was the easiest and most efficient tool for producing the PDFs but any way you can make it work … makes it work! Using MAPublisher within Illustrator means that individual vector polygons can be imported later onto the same map, if and when changes are made to the policies. Apart from shapefiles, other supported data types include: dwg; gml; gpx; kml; mif.
Gerard Woods, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Local Plan Policies/Proposals Map.

New Member Posts: 23 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
Nick, that's very interesting - please pass on my thanks to your GIS officer. There are evidently a lot of options out there. We have now done a test recreation of an inset map using MapInfo and Freehand, and think we could do the same for the larger scale maps. However, we are still going to look at trial versions of Illustrator and MAPublisher working together to see what the added advantages are. I hope other people will look into this and share their thoughts!