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Re: Older plan policies, settlement boundaries, and NPPF 215

Gordon Smith, modified 11 Years ago.

Older plan policies, settlement boundaries, and NPPF 215

New Member Posts: 14 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts
Para 215 of the NPPF refers to the notion of ‘due weight’ given to policies in older local plans from April 2013. Any older local plan policy, saved or otherwise, can be rendered out of date if they are not in tune with the NPPF. As the NPPF is generalised, does this mean that any location-specific policies, eg development boundaries for settlements, have very little weight until newer plans arise? Viewing this another way, can anything be done to prevent weakening of a town or village boundary if a new Plan is some way off?
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Older plan policies, settlement boundaries, and NPPF 215

We recently had an appeal decision which said exactly that. Also, for housing applications, para 14 bites and whether or not they are in tune with the NPPF is of no consequence where there is no 5 year housing land supply. See APP/R0335/A/12/2179560.