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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Duty to Cooperate Statement

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Duty to Cooperate Statement

Hi all, I'm looking for examples of Duty to Cooperate Statements that have been submitted alongside successfully adopted development plans. Does anyone know of any example documents please? Kind regards, Craig
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Duty to Cooperate Statement

Craig, There are a few around. I have done two the latest avialbale is at:$File/EHDC+Statement+of+Duty+to+Co-operate+May+2012.pdf The new PAS 'crib sheet' has just been published. I got the feeling that is talking about a parrallel universe where neighbouring authorities are keen to take any of your unmet housing need. Market areas invariably cross County administrative boundaries - where structures to hold such strategic conversations are thin on the ground. Get your Plan B ready with lots and lots more houses.
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Duty to Cooperate Statement

There was also a point that needs to be recognised that the Duty to Cooperate can only be done during plan preparation - i.e. up to Submission and there is no remedy afterward - as has been shown by the situation at Coventry - where the Council has withdrawn the plan as the Inspector has concluded the DtC has not been complied - particularly as there is no joint SHMA.
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Duty to Cooperate Statement

Thanks Andrew!