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Conservation Area designation

Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Conservation Area designation


Does anybody know if the same area of land/ property can be inside more than one designated conservation area.

We are preparing work on the possible desgination of a stretch of canal and at the same time undertaking seperate review of a village that sits alongside the canal. In considering the village it seems there are areas of land worthy of consideration on both sides of the canal.

The timescales for the two pieces of work are different.  

Daniel Hudson, modified 10 Years ago.

Conservation Area designation

Advocate Posts: 121 Join Date: 25/04/12 Recent Posts

I don't think an area can be in more than one conservation area. The best solution would normally be to merge the two into a single area although I can see that if you are considering a long stretch of canal this would be difficult.

One thought that occurs to me is that I don't think a Conservation Area has to be a single parcel of land. If the latter then whichever Conservation Area was designated second (Area B) would be in two bits. Clearly the management of the first part (Area A) would have to protect and enhance both the heritage importance of Area A and Area B.