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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

Date of Receipt For Electronic Applications

Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Date of Receipt For Electronic Applications

I was wondering what other authorities do with regard to start dates for electronic applications. If an application is submitted over the weekend we date it as received Monday but I am worried that this may be incorrect. Any opinions?
John Theobald, modified 16 Years ago.

Date of Receipt For Electronic Applications

Enthusiast Posts: 61 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts
At Bath & NE Somerset Council we also date an application submitted over the weekend (therefore outside of normal working hours) as received on the next working day (Monday). The Planning Portal also gave us the same advice last year when we clarified with them the safe issue. Regards, John
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Date of Receipt For Electronic Applications

It would seem correct to use the same method as per your postal and personal applications, with anything outside the usual working hours being dealt with the next working day. As John has noted I believe that is the advice which the planning portal has given in the past. It would seem unfair on the LPA to 'lose', for example, 4 (or 5) days for an application submitted via the portal at 11:59 this evening! Neil
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Date of Receipt For Electronic Applications

I am confused by the use of the word 'start'? I thought this word only applied to planning appeals? Do you mean the data the 8 or 13-week clock starts? The important date is when an application is deemed to be 'valid', which could be some time after its receipt. I collect the PS1 and PS2 returns for the DCLG and I use the 'valid' and 'decision sent' dates - no mention of start date. Cheers Gary
Former Member, modified 16 Years ago.

Date of Receipt For Electronic Applications

Sorry Gary, I was assuming (very optimistically) that the elctronic application would contain sufficient information on submission for validation and would therefore have as date valid the date of receipt. I think that it's reasonable to deal with them as suggested by Neil and John above but for prior notifications I am worried that the reasonable approach may not be strictly legal if challenged. Carol.