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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Ddoe

Use of Conditions

Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

Use of Conditions

My Authority recently granted consent to remove a condition which restricted the use of a cattery to five year periods. The cattery was originally approved in 1995 and has always been controlled using these temporary 5 year conditions only. The recent approval removed the temporary use condition, as requested by the applicants, and a permanent use was established. However the Council then imposed a condition that the permanent use of the cattery be restricted to the current owners, making it a personal consent. The agents have written a letter of complaint on the grounds that the permission was to remove the time limit condition and should have been judged on its individual merits, either approval with the removal of the condition, or refused so that they could appeal the decision. It is the agent’s view that by adding a new more restrictive condition, we have acted Ultra Vires. I appreciate the Planning Act gives us consent to add conditions to control development “as we see fit” and subject to the test in circ 11/95, but its my view that this personal consent should have been conditioned on the first consent if it was an issue? Any views/case law would be appreciated
Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

Use of Conditions

There is an argument that the personal condition is more restrictive as upon the expiry of a temporary consent the lawful use reverts to the previous lawful use, whereas upon the expiry of a personal consent, there is no lawful use. This does seem to be a situation where the proposed new condition should have been discussed with the applicant prior to the decision. Does your planning charter indicate that conditions will be discussed prior to imposition?
Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

Use of conditions continued

We have no charter that indicates conditions will be discussed, however it was made clear in the application that the current owners were looking to sell the property and cattery to retire, which is why they wanted a permanent consent. However we still issued a personal consent in spite of this.