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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

Re: Specialist housing for older people

Former Member, modified 15 Years ago.

Specialist housing for older people

South Gloucestershire Council is considering how best to justify the need for ExtraCare and very sheltered housing for older people, however we are not aware of any precedent for this. If you can answer any of the following questions I would be grateful to hear from you. Q1 Have you developed or do you know of any Development Plan or Supplementary Planning Documents which set out policies for the provision of specialist housing for older people, such as ExtraCare or Very Sheltered housing, either for market sale or as affordable housing? Q2 Have general affordable housing policies been used to deliver a proportion of such specialist housing as affordable or is there a policy tailored for that? Q3 If so, what was the process for producing such policies? Q4 What evidence base was used and how was that evidence gathered? Q5 Have any of these policies been challenged at appeal? It would be useful to know the dates any such policies were developed.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Specialist housing for older people

You may find the attached "Changing Lifestyles" document useful as a guide to the issues. This was produced by Beds CC before it was absorbed by Bedford BC as a new Unitary. It is not a planning policy document but is useful as local evidence base. A couple of other issues to grapple with are: 1) "Assisted Living" as opposed to traditional Mcarthy and Stone "Retirement Flats" is quite likely to fall between use Class C3 and C2 - particularly if it involves elements of nursing care, rather than just some form of Warden providing what are otherwise ordinary dwellings. 2) For that reason you may find that your local arrangements and policies regarding affordable housing only relate to Use Class C3? A higher standard such as "assisted" living may very well need some element of capital and revenue subsidy to bring it off. For that reason developers may see merit in profiding an element of assisted living as "affordable housing", because it will assist them in making delivery on a semi commercail basis, with an element of public subsidy.
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Specialist housing for older people

PAS are currently commissioning a case study that will publicise good practice from the sector in how some local authorities are incorporating the needs of an ageing population in their plan-making and decision-making. It will also look at this issue and partnership working. Although that may sound rather vague it should address most of the issues in the first post from Mr. Jones at South Gloucestershire. The case study should be available from early October. It will be advertised in our newsletter and hard copies will also be available. I hope this helps! Helen
Former Member, modified 14 Years ago.

Re: Specialist housing for older people

A policy for Extra Care Housing was jointly developed by Tandridge District Council and agents for an Extra Care provider following their representations on the draft Core Strategy. A statement of common ground was prepared, the evidence base being mainly the Extra Care Strategy for East Surrey:- This policy (CSP8) is now included in the adopted Core Strategy:-