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Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Wythnos yma

Re: Do you want help in turning your development guidance into a local deve

Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Do you want help in turning your development guidance into a local developm

We are looking for more local planning authorities to establish Local Development Orders. I need a quick response of an indication of interest by 8 February. From April, up to £15,000 is available per authority to help meet any of the costs of setting up an LDO.

Authorities already with design guidance, character appraisal, conservation area management plan, masterplan, or SPD are likely to be in a position to act fast and turn their already agreed development guidance into an LDO.

Details on applying for the grant, setting up and using Local Development Orders & on the current projects are on our website:

Please get in touch with me for an informal discussion.

Gillian Morgan Principal Consultant, Planning Advisory Service 07717 720682 Our first pilot authorities have found Local Development Orders (LDO) can be a useful tool to encourage achievement of policy objectives such as a masterplan, a design code, increased carbon reduction measures, flexibility between use classes in town centres and community engagement. Their experience is being followed and reported on our website. I am offering a masterclass in putting together a project for those expressing an interest in bidding.

Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Do you want help in turning your development guidance into a local deve

Cornwall Council is one of the 5 pilot authorities to produce a Local Development Order (LDO). As a new unitary authority focusing on localism, we expect this project to create a model for others to follow in the production of a Local Development Order in partnership with Parish and Town Councils based on the publication of a local design guide. The intention is to allow greater permitted development rights for proposed minor residential developments for a small area within the Feock parish. Effectively it will empower the local community through the LDO to approve development they wish to see within the area, a proactive tool in improving design quality and local distinctiveness. The project started in the Summer of 2009 and we now have the first draft of the design guide with the first draft of the Local Development Order almost complete. In Cornwall Council it has been recognised that planning is one of the key areas where the Town and Parish Councils would like a more influential role. In order to deliver local accountability and responsiveness the Local Development Order will build an enhanced role for Feock Parish Council. It is therefore envisaged that, if successful, LDOs will be produced and adopted in other parishes throughout Cornwall. The LDO only applies to use class C3 Dwellinghouses - Family houses, or houses occupied by up to six residents living together as a single household, including a household where care is provided for residents. The Order does not seek to provide for any changes of use above and beyond that currently allowed for as permitted development. It is envisaged that the LDO will extend the permitted development rights pertaining to development within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse as currently defined by Part 1 Classes A, B and D of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment)(No.2)(England) Order 2008. Formal consultation on the second draft of the design guide and the LDO will start near the end of February and it is planned that they will both be adopted by Cabinet in May 2010. Following adoption, Cornwall Council will work with Feock Parish Council to implement a new procedure for processing LDOs and will provide training, guidance and support to other local councils in Cornwall who wish to follow the path of Feock PC and produce an LDO. The whole experience has been a learning curve and much has been gained by working closely with Feock Parish Council, especially in providing us with a greater understanding of how they see and understand the planning system. We consider that in the right locations and in partnership with proactive Town and Parish Councils, we could create a number of LDOs throughout Cornwall, thereby achieving our aim of empowering the local community and improving the quality of development.